terça-feira, 6 de julho de 2021

Xiegu G90 and the COMM Lost problem

 No primeiro dia de teste do meu recente Xiegu G90, tive uma agradavel surpresa:

Após ligar a chave e morse no local errado, o radio comecou a apitar sem parar, e apareceu uma mensagem no quadrante a dizer COMM LOST

Após varias tentativas de re-inicar o equipamento, retirar o painel....... a solução seria, recarregar firmware.
Mas para não me precipitar, contactei o apoio a cliente de radioditty (support@radioddity.com), que 30m depois tinha uma possivel solução, com uma explicação:

The described situation does happen whenever the communication between the Base-unit (that the part that connects to the power and the antenna) and the Display-unit (that´s the front part with all the operation controls) can not be established. Such thing often does happen, if the blue USB-cable had been connected between G90 and PC before the G90 had been turned on. However nothing to worry about. Together we´ll get you going!

It is now required to update the Base-unit and the Display-Unit. Whilst having to do that anyhow, I´d advise to update it with version 1.75 as version 1.77 (which quite likely is on your G90) unfortunately turned out to have some bugs. A new version is expected within the next weeks (due to Covid-19 that had been delayed).

OK, back to your G90:
All the firmware, software, and user manuals can be found in the Support area on our official website by the following steps:
www.radioddity.com->Support->choose the brand of your radio->click on your radio model name
As for the G90 you will get the following:

Within the archive you will find everything needed (files, documentation, program, ...) to perform the update. Please follow exactly the instructions as given. I personally often forget to checkmark the '1K Option' when doing the XModem filetransfer which causes the update to fail.

After doing the update for both parts (Base-unit as well as Display-Unit), turn off the G90, fully disconnect it from the power supply, wait a few seconds before you reconnect it to the power supply.
Press the FUNC-key and keep it depressed. Then, additionally momentarily press the power button to power on the radio. You will be asked if you want to perform a 'Main Reset'. Release the FUNC button. Confirm the question regarding 'Main Reset' by pressing the PRE/ATT button (YES).

Now your G90 should be fine and waiting for you to enjoy.

Whenever you turn off your G90, remove any TRS plug (from the blue USB-cable) that might have been inserted in one of the communication

-ports (Base-Unit 3.5mm TRS 'COMM' socket, Display-unit: bottom left side 3.5mm TRS socket).

No meu caso, foi so necessário efetuar Upload de firmware da main-unit.

espero que este meu relato possa ajudar possiveis utilizadores com o mesmo problema que eu tive.

73's de CT1GFQ

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